Care Balm Direct – 2 oz Rub

2 oz of our All-Natural Balm comes in a convent pop top container.

Care Balm Direct – 0.5 oz Rub

This Purse or Pocket size of our All-Natural Balm is conveniently stored in a small 0.5 oz container,

which fits right in your pocket.

Care Balm Direct -Combo Pack

Our All-Natural Combo pack gives you a 2 oz. home container and a convenient 0.5 oz On-the-GO container.

Contact us directly for Bulk and custom orders.

Our Competitive Price

In researching for our own pain relief we discovered that that products available were pretty pricey for a 2 oz. container out the door. We are confident that the product we are providing is a break-thru in the relief you will experience.

To get it to YOU, Our customers, We have Set Our Price to be exceptionally lower than our competitors.

Made From All-Natural Ingredients

Beeswax, Shea Butter, Vitamin E oil, Clove oil, Jasmine oil, Peppermint oil, Hemp Seed oil, Almond oil, Lavender oil, Coconut oil, Menthol Crystals, CBD Isolate.

Made in the USA

There is a reason for every ingredient in our “pain relief rub”

Beeswax: As medicine, beeswax has been studied in the use of relieving pain and inflammation and has mild anti-swelling effects.

Coconut oil: moisturizer

Shay butter: is  an anti-inflammatory  (see research) and studies have shown that it improves Atopic dermatitis (see research).

Hemp seed oil: may alleviate arthritis and joint pain, boosts hair, skin and nail health

Jasmine oil: used for relaxation and helps relieve anxiety and stress.  It balances skin moisture in those suffering from dry skin. It is also an antibacterial agent. 

Lavender oil: The presence of therapeutic properties improves the blood circulation and provides instant relief from any pain

Clove oil: used topically for pain relief and has antiseptic properties and lowers stress. Works best when diluted with almond oil and coconut oil.

Menthol crystals: supports your body’s immune system. Helps relieve stress anxiety and nervousness.

Almond oil: Almond oil has been shown to reduce scarring post-operatively, as well as smooth and rejuvenate skin (research). It is a good emollient and improves skin tone (research).  Also it is anti-bacterial

Peppermint oil: relieves muscle and joint pain, improves skin health, alleviates headaches

Vitamin E: moisturizer and wound healing

CBD isolate: can relieve pain, reduce anxiety and depression

Click on the BUY NOW Button for your Buying options.

CAUTION: Do Not use on open wounds or broken skin. If you are pregnant, nursing or on any medications, check with a qualified healthcare professional before using herbal products. Avoid getting in eyes, nose, mouth or other sensitive areas. Do not use if you are allergic to essential oils or have an essential oil sensitivity.

© 2019 Care Balm Direct LLC. All rights reserved. If you wish to reproduce any of the content on this site, please contact us for reprint permission.